Our First Sunday Morning Worship and baptism Service as Kingdom life church
Our first Sunday morning service dedicated to worship and baptisms (immersions) was INCREDIBLE! The praise band did an awesome job leading us into worship and Faith shared her testimony from the Women's conference and receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit. As we continued worship and the celebration of Communion, Kim shared her testimony of being immersed in 2022 and the freedom and healing she received, preparing our hearts and building our faith. We ended the service with 16 in all getting in the water, from ages 1 month to 70+. Each person coming with the expectation to encounter Jesus in the water!

Die well!
As each person entered the water, whether it is a new believers baptism, an act of surrender, or even a friend standing in the gap for a friend that is not physically able, we die to all that needs to be released in the water and come out different, washed by the water, cleansed, renewed or even a commissioning to step into the call that God has on their life. As Kim so beautifully stated in her testimony during the service, the world wants to continue to try to pile dirt on us, what an image of Jesus is there waiting to cleanse us of anything that has tried to cling to us or weigh us down.
Bella has accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior, and was baptized with the support of her father Walter and mother Brandy.

Jannette & Harrison standing in faith with the God of Miracles with their 1 month old great granddaughter
Kelley Jo standing in for a friend with cancer believing God for a miracle and complete restoration of health!
There are many verses in the Bible about friendship but this one is found in Luke 5:18-19 and Mark 2:1-12 and tells a beautiful story about friends that bring a friend in need to Jesus. These friends had gone to extraordinary lengths to bring their paralyzed friend to the Lord. Jesus recognized their actions as an expression of their faith, and because of their faith, He told the paralyzed man "your sins are forgiven." This is a very important lesson for us, this man was not only physically but spiritually healed by the faith his friends had in Jesus.

Prayer teams gather to intercede
Love & Encourage

Matthew 19:14 New International Version (NIV)
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
The children in the church, watched for hours as the baptism took place and the amazing praise team poured out in praise to God!