The Youth Ministry of Kingdom Life Church
We want all of our youth to know Jesus Christ and to find their ultimate joy and satisfaction in Him. We have designed our youth ministry to deepen understanding of the greatness of our God, and to give encouragement in the pursuit of godliness. Check out our events page to see any upcoming events for the youth of Kingdom Life Church.
We have recently started monthly activities to get to know our youth better and build relationships between our youth and the leaders, to encourage them to grow daily in their relationship with Christ!
If your child is Kindergarten -7th grade, we invite you to join us on Sunday mornings at 10:00am for class, then we transition into worship with the congregation for praise and worship! Our monthly outings will be posted on the events calendar as they are scheduled.
December 1, 2023 Game night
THANK YOU KLC Children's Leaders!!! Abbey & Kyle Brain, Maria Coulter, Mario & Amber Vega, Kelley Jo & Jonathan Britt, Kellie & Duane Parker, Julie & JJ Chalk and Jeffrey Chapman we could not have done it without each one of you!
We had a great time with not only our kids but also others from our community. It was a great time of fun for us all and getting to know and build relationships with our kids!
Cookie Face Game
Check out the video of from Game night!
It's a Wrap!!!!!! Children's Leaders are wrapped and put under the tree!
Saran Wrap Game!!!!