What an incredible weekend as the women of Kingdom Life Church took a road trip to Dawsonville GA to The NGR Ignited Women's Conference 2023! We were all hungry to experience a move of God and experience His Presence, and we were not disappointed! From the time we arrived until we stepped out of the baptismal waters at around 5:30am Sunday!
Over 800 women immersed on Saturday Night!
The line to get in wrapped around the building as we fellowshipped with other women from all over the country that are ON FIRE FOR GOD! Pastor Karen started the night with an amazing teaching on Baptism of Holy Spirit and at the end the invitation was given to receive an impartation of the Holy Spirit as many came forward ready to RECEIVE!
We got to spend time and some got to meet our FAVORITE KINEO TEACHER for the first time.
Dr. Karen Smith & Renee Hoke -Kineo Year 2
Julie Chalk, Angie Sronce, Pastors Todd & Karen Smith, Elise Pendleton - Kineo Year 1 Students
To see Dr. Karen Smith's message on Baptism of Holy Spirit check it out on the link below:
With 27 women we realized it was almost impossible to get a group photo with everyone but we did the best we could.... At the Conference
At the Hotel for lunch....with our new friend Diane from SC
Or the drive Burger King Drive Thru!
A few of us stopped at Waffle House for a late night breakfast, and had the opportunity to speak to this young man. He serves each week at Christ Fellowship, driving over 3 hours to serve on the worship team and his friend that was with him serves in the parking lot or wherever needed. That says a great deal about the commitment and passion they have to serve the body of Christ!
Saturday Morning continued with more Incredible teaching from Christina Allen (Session 2) and Amy Lyle (Session3)
We wrapped up the evening with Jessi Green with SATURATE!
We ended the night ...well the next day at 5:30am as some of us were just getting out of the baptism pool. Pastor Marty Daracott (aka Aqua Man) was in the pool from 9:00pm- to 5:30am, along with the other members of the baptism teams. Every person that entered the water....whether 9:00pm or 5:30 am received the same outpouring of love and attention.
During this time we witnessed a woman with Scleroderma HEALED! She had needed the assistance of a wheel chair for years, and we saw her walk from one side of the church to the other with NO assistance! Praise be to God! There was another young lady that encountered two ladies that left the conference and saw this lady in a parking lot, ask her if she knew Jesus, shared the Gospel and invited her to meet Jesus in the waters, at 5:00am after being saved for 30 minutes, was baptized and had scars from cutting disappear!!!!!!
As we prepared to leave we stopped to speak to Dr. Karen Smith. She was still putting away tables and cleaning the sanctuary, with all the energy and the enthusiasm she had while she had giving her message on Friday night! She was sharing what an incredible team of volunteers she has and bragged on the body of Christ Fellowship, " WE HAVE THE BEST PEOPLE!"
This picture of Pastor Sherrie Potts says it all, she the backbone of North Georgia Revival, serving with such grace and humility. She was still walking the halls at 5:30am making sure everyone had what they needed.
While they hosted 1500 women, Pastors Todd and Karen stopped and spoke to every person, with such attention and humility. Pastor Marty met to speak with Pastor Joye about baptisms, and Pastors Marc & Retta took the time to speak to myself and Amber about Children's Ministry. I cannot say enough about the staff, volunteers, and leaders of CFC! As Pastor Marty shared with Pastor Joye.....the reason why the PRESENCE OF GOD is dwelling in house of CFC is that they ask their selves daily:
Are you HUNGRY for GOD, living a HOLY life, remaining HUMBLE, and HONORING others above yourself?
Jackie Smith